FiWiN5G Workshop on
Fiber-Wireless Integrated Networks for
5th Generation delivery


Fiber-wireless integrated networks that rely on the collaborative use of both fiber-based and wireless communication technologies are currently turning into a highly important research area in view of the forthcoming era of 5G mobile systems. To provide high bandwidth and  reliable  service  for  both  fixed  and  mobile  users,  a  well-designed  network  must  take  into  account  both optical  and  wireless  transmission,  with  efficient  allocation  of  resources  and  satisfaction  of  QoS  requirements within this hybrid network environment.

The workshop is organized by Horizon 2020 EU Marie-Curie Innovative Training Network FiWin5G.  Possible contents of the workshop include but are not limited to:

  1. Fiber-wireless network architectures and technologies for 5G front- and/or backhauling
  2. Novel Fiber-Wireless network architectures for broadband wireless services
  3. Hybrid fiber-wireless access networks
  4. Optical generation, distribution, and control of broadband fiber-wireless signals
  5. Optical devices and systems for Fiber-Wireless signal generation, processing and transmission
  6. Photonic transceivers for Fiber-Wireless network applications
  7. Integrated Photonic technologies for Fiber-Wireless network applications
  8. Photonic Systems for antennas and beamforming
  9. Millimeter-wave/Microwave Fiber-Wireless systems
  10. Integration of wireless communication and sensing

Paper submission:

Prospective authors are invited to submit original technical papers for publication in the Proceedings and for presentation(s). Paper submission web page:

During the paper submission process via EDAS, the authors are required to make sure the pdf file and EDAS registration page of a paper have the same list of authors and the same paper title, that is, please add all authors in EDAS during the submission process. 

Workshop Chairs

  • Eszter Udvary, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
  • John Mitchell, Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, University College London, UK

Technical Program Committee

  • Bostjan Batagelj, Univerza v ljubljani, Fakulteta za Elektrotehniko, Slovenia
  • Guillermo Carpintero, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
  • Stavros Iezekiel, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
  • Andreas Stöhr, Universitaet Duisburg-Essen, Germany
  • Frederic Van Dijk, III-V Lab, France